Rakesh Dangi.
The Corona virus, which originated in China, has terrorized the world today. While the number of infections and deaths is increasing day by day, Nepal has not been untouched by its infection, which has led to the death of three Nepalese till now. Corona virus is a contagious disease and its drug has not been traced yet so most countries around the world, including the word Nepal, India, have seized the whole country.In particular, the disease is more likely to move people who are already battling various diseases and those who are less resistant to the disease, said the pathologist. In this way, we can easily protect ourselves from our own efforts when the world is in a state of corona infection. Staying at home, avoiding essential tasks other than essential work and wearing masks, glasses and globes, without exertion, using soapy water and sanitizer, etc., can be promoted by spreading the disease, as well as enhancing your Immunity Power through yoga, exercise and various exercises. Corona helps to prevent infection easily. The immunity power can be increased according to different yoga practice at home. Click on following link below to see those poses.
Link : Immunity Power Improving Steps By Rakesh Dangi
– By : Prof. Rakesh Dangi, Tulsipur 6,Dang.