Now, even after studying information technology, you can become CEO of a bank


Nepal Rastra Bank has added the qualifications of directors and chief executive officers of banks

and financial institutions. Now, even those who have studied information technology will become

CEO of the bank.


The decision was taken by the Rastra Bank in view of the increasing need for technology in the

banking and financial sectors. Along with this, those who have completed postgraduate studies in

Information Technology and Computer Science will also be able to become directors and CEOs.


Prior to this, the Rastra Bank had specified the qualifications to be postgraduate in Management,

Banking, Finance, Monetary, Economics, Commerce, Mathematics, Statistics, Public

Administration, Business Administration, Accountancy and Law.Now, anyone who has graduated

with a Master’s Degree in Management, Banking, Finance, Monetary, Economics, Commerce,

Mathematics, Statistics, Public Administration, Business Administration, Accountancy, Law,

Information Technology or Computer Science can be the Director and Chief Executive Officer of

banks and financial institutions.

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